Thursday, July 21, 2011

strut your stuff

When did strutting become synonymous with douchiness?

It's a well-known fact that many species of male animals use strutting as part of their attempts to attract a mate-most notably peacocks and roosters...

Last night I was running late for my call-time-AGAIN. As a result I didn't have time to get/eat dinner beforehand. True to his complete and utter awesomeness Mr. Wonderful came to my rescue and brought me food.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with a couple of my cast mates-they loved his Punisher shirt (I gotta admit it is one of my favorites from the dreaded comic book shirt collection), he headed home. Immediately after Riss came back and I told him she just missed Mr. Wonderful. Her response cracked me up-although I'm paraphrasing here- "Yeah I saw him, actually the back of him, but I saw a tight shirt, muscles, and a strut so I knew it was him." This cracked me up.

Lemme give you a little background on Mr. Wonderful. He has not always been in the shape he's in now. Although he was far from obese he has struggled with weight for a lot of his life. He still has the "fat kid" mentality, so when people tell him how great he looks rather than being proud of his achievements all he can focus on is how far he thinks he still has to go. Shirts in general are a sore spot for him because he's broad. So broad that he's in that annoying area where the size up drowns you and the size down looks like it's painted on. If I'm there I usually tell him to opt for the size down because hey, I don't mind the eye candy and he's worked hard. As long as he can move and he's comfortable wearing it I tell him he should show off his hard work. He is also one of the most humble people I know and he worries a lot about the way people perceive him, so he works hard to make sure the way he is perceived is positive.

This morning he texted me and asked how the show went last night. I replied it was fine, and that everyone loved seeing him. I then mentioned what Riss had said to me hoping it would give him the same chuckle it gave me. Instead he worried about how he was being perceived, and has spent the better part of the morning trying to convince me he didn't have a choice on the shirt, he loves it too much to not wear it, and he doesn't strut, because only douches wear muscle shirts and strut. He completely missed the point on this one-and I can say for a fact that is not the way Riss wanted her comment to be taken.

Oh sweetheart. You are the furthest thing from douche there is and I say "if you got it, flaunt it". I for one don't mind.


Larissa said...

I love this! Lol.
The thing is, I would SO MUCH prefer a man with muscles and a strut than one who is all down on himself. Most men strut, truth be told. Most women have some sort of swagger. Especially after having to wear man pants and woman pants, I've realized that sometimes you are forced to walk a certain way based on what you wear.
Anyway, I'm with you. If you got it, flaunt it (as long as you are modest, mind you). No one worth two cents thinks someone is a d-bag based on a walk alone and your Mr. Wonderful is a sweetheart and anyone who has met him will know this:-)

miss kristen said...

Thanks Riss. I couldn't agree more. :)

labrythyne said...

There's nothing wrong with strutting in the shirt he was wearing.

Now had he been wearing Affliction, Monarchy, Ed Hardy, or anything of the like.... we'd have to talk!

But it's cool he's buffing up :)

Most Happy Girl said...

I love it when Mr. Perfect flexes and shows off his muscles. He's developed a bit of a stomach (all my fault, I will admit; his previous wives could not cook their way out of a paper bag to save themselves and their burning houses), and he's very aware of it. We've come up with an exercise plan (for when the house is back together and we have time...I'm hoping by Christmas :) ).

Having lost a lot of weight, I understand how Mr. Wonderful feels. You never really do lose the "fat kid" feeling completely. Give him a hug and a kiss and tell him how wonderful he makes you feel, how wonderful he looks, and, above all, how much you love him.

miss kristen said...

MHG-I try to tell him every day how much I love him. I also tell him as long as he's not putting his health at risk I don't care how he looks.

Most Happy Girl said...

You are a wise woman, Miss Kristen. I'm so glad we are friends.

miss kristen said...

Thanks. Me too. I love you. :)

oldies but goodies