Tuesday, July 26, 2011

if ever i would leave you

Yesterday I left work early (woo-hoo holidays!) and went to visit Mr. Wonderful at his being as he is literally five minutes away.

He introduced me to one of his newbs, and somehow we got on the subject of "my arts" which then went to the beautiful Miss Brittnie Behunin who is-well-exquisite. And a red head. A REAL red head. Mr. Wonderful's only known kryptonite (aside from me). I know I shouldn't, but I just can't resist giving him a hard time about this, because when we first started hanging out (no, really, we hung out before we started dating, not that stupid cloak and dagger method of "not really dating dating" some men choose to employ.) he told me what kind of girl he was attracted to, and natural redheads were part of that list. Well, the top of that list actually. That makes me laugh. Why you ask? In case you haven't noticed I am NOT a red head- yet I know he is hopelessly in love with me. So much for types, huh?

I jokingly told him he was going to leave me for Miss Brittnie, and his reply?

"If I was going to leave you for anyone in your shows it would be Larissa."

There you have it folks. Larissa gets everything I want*. Roles, cute figure, and now my man.
Oh well. Can't say I blame him. She IS adorable. And tiny-especially next to me. ;)

That's Britt. #1039. Looking gorgeous. Like always.
Yes that's me behind her looking not quite so amazing.

*Mr. Wonderful will NEVER leave me for another woman, nor am I worried he ever will. I just have to give him-and Riss grief (who is better than I could have been in any role she played because she's "it's not fair" type of talented.) because I love them so. And I have nothing but love for Miss Brittnie. She is exquisite and absolutely wonderful.

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oldies but goodies