Friday, July 15, 2011

just say "thank you"

When did it become so hard for us to accept compliments? Better yet when did it make us cocky or conceited or snotty when we gracefully accept these compliments? They are meant to lift you up and make you feel good about yourself, yet almost everyone I know avoids receiving them like the plague.

I have seen this a lot-I don't know if it's because I'm watching for it, or what, but it's interesting. Nine times out of ten when I pay someone a compliment the response I get is some form of "you're crazy", or "no, I'm really not.", or deflect it all together and turn it around to me, the compliment giver. It's infuriating to me! I'm trying to tell you something nice in sincerity, hopefully making your day better, and you shoot it down. I am no means guiltless either-and that makes me even madder--and a hypocrite. Mr. Wonderful tells me almost every day how beautiful I am. Why am I so incapable of just saying "thank you"? why do I always feel the need to discredit his opinions of me? I know I'm no supermodel, but I also know I'm no troll. Why is it so impossible for me to just say "thank you"? Don't even get me started on when someone compliments me on my talents, although I find it odd it's easier to accept compliments and congratulations from a stranger than the people who mean the very most to me.

This inability of mine has been brought to my attention even more over the last few days. My co-worker has been on maternity leave and is set to return on Monday. I have had several co-workers and customers tell me how well of a job I have done being alone these last six weeks. Rather than saying "thank you" I brush it off-although I know I have done well. Many others would have cracked under the pressure, but I think I did fairly well considering June is one of our busiest months.
This is not something I'm particularly proud of and I know I need to work on. I'm going one step further and extending this challenge to you as well dear readers.

The next time someone pays you a compliment on your amazing screenplay, your adorable curly hair, rockin' figure, fantastic eye for photography, your amazing voice, or your all around awesomeness, don't' roll your eyes, don't deflect it, and don't worry about what you may or may not be labeled if you graciously accept it. Simply smile, say thank you very much, and take it for what it really is--something nice someone wanted to say to you in hopes it would make your day.


S.R. Braddy said...

I have a hard time with accepting compliments. For some reason, it feels like just saying "thank you" doesn't display the appropriate humility... so I usually deflect.

Larissa said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm kinda with Stephen - "Thank you" doesn't really encompass everything I feel. Do I burst into tears and tell the person how much it really, really, really means to me? Cause it does...and I'm not willing to admit I'm that vulnerable:-)

But I'm going to work on this. Just for you.

Miss Megan said...

I admit, I am a compliment-junkie. I LOVE hearing nice things about myself, because I am so critical of myself and often need the reminder of my good qualities. In my defense, I love to GIVE as much as I receive, and will often say, "Thanks!" and then compliment them right back. I can't bear to reject a compliment and see the giver look so uncomfortable, and it annoys me, too, when mine are rejected.

oldies but goodies