Tuesday, July 12, 2011

mili vanilli ain't got nothin on me

I have a confession to make.

I haven't been as good at learning the music in my current show. (Shameless plug: All Shook Up! opens THIS Friday! Click here for details.) Now in my defense I know MOST of the harmonies, MOST of the words, and I know when I'm supposed to sing said most words...but between blink-and-you'll-miss-it music rehearsals, an UNHEARD OF super strong alto section that ROCKS, but sucks for me, the struggling second-read: harmonizing therefore more difficult soprano, ZERO spare time, and no access to a piano to try and pick out my notes in said zero spare time I had just been fudging it-or what us thespians like to call-fudging it. This is the worst prepared I have ever been, but aside from being more solid on the words there's not a whole lot I can do on notes---unless I develop perfect pitch magically overnight. I HAD just planned to continue fudging it.

Last night that all changed. My dear, sweet bosom friend informed me I will be wearing a microphone for a bulk of the show. To which my reply was "you know I'm just in the chorus, right?" Apparently I have one of the better voices in the cast (REALLY? Like I didn't know that already. I kid, I KID!) and they have spares, so we're going to help add volume to the choral numbers...I haven't been mic-ed in a show since 2008...oi. Oh, and remember said notes I know most of the time? Well I've been known to go mute on the ones I'm unsure of as to not be the sore thumb. Yeah, that's pretty much impossible now...

So wish me luck as I now spend the next four days cramming more music into my already over-filled, over-worked, and over-tired brain.

On the plus side you now have an even BETTER reason to come see the show. It's called your friend Miss Kristen, the mic-ed train wreck. ;)


S.R. Braddy said...

Remember the rubbing alcohol!

Miss Megan said...

Ack! I've been there. You can do it! I'm so glad I'll get to hear you sing! Congrats on scoring a mic, and good luck with the last of the dress rehearsals. I can't wait to see you in this play!

oldies but goodies