Wednesday, July 20, 2011

self help

Why do self-help books have such a stigma? I realize there are some that are nothing but a load of garbage, the covers alone BEG for judgement and public ridicule, but I would like to think most are helpful to those that read them and actually apply its teachings.

After my recent audition fails I have decided to seek out some additional help. Help to figure out why someone as fantastically talented as I am is constantly failing to land the roles my little heart desires. I ventured to the library yesterday feeling oh so smart that I still remembered how to find things using the Dewey Decimal System. That smugness was quickly erased when I found the book I was searching for-and I headed to check out.
Although I knew I was being silly and no one cared why I was there, let alone what I was looking for-I couldn't help but feel like everyone was suddenly watching me and judging me for admitting my weakness and checking out a self-help book. Don't worry. I kept my head held high. ;)

Honestly I would have rather been back in Walmart the time I had to purchase "mic covers" (condoms for you non-thespians) for Man of La Mancha. There's nothing quite like a little Mormon girl carrying around four huge boxes of condoms at her local Walmart just WAITING for someone she knows to run into her-because who would REALLY believe they were for what she said they were for? Not to mention all the questionable looks I received from complete strangers-those made me laugh inside.

The book in question?

Hopefully the anxiety was worth it and I will have some insight to my current situation...


Miss Megan said...

I own this book. It is AMAZING and has helped me a LOT! I'm so glad you powered through and checked it out! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

Larissa said...

This book is awesome! Megan recommended it to me - had I known, I'd have let you borrow mine! I haven't finished it yet or anything, but I read in it occasionally so that I can apply the principles one at a time instead of getting overwhelmed. And, you probably won't believe this, but when Spencer asked me for audition tips and getting into character tips, I recommended this book to him...I sent him the link in a Facebook message. It's really not self-help at all, just tips. It gets a little boring at times, but I see all the points. It won't give a reader talent, but when you have natural talent it will help you harness that. HOORAY!

Miss Megan said...

Did you finish the book? What did you think? said...

I also have this book, and have reviewed it's principles several times before an audition. Love it!

oldies but goodies