Saturday, July 09, 2011

the mystery of the holy shirts

To quote one of my favorite literary characters of all time, I'm feeling rather Saint-like lately. Over the last few months I have noticed little holes appearing in my shirts. I have no idea where they come from, all I know is they are only appearing on my favorite ones--including my Perry shirt-dammit.

As I was getting ready for work yesterday I noticed a hole in my brand-new- worn only twice top:

Being as I have NO IDEA how I'm managing to cause this, (shirt gnomes are my best guess) I'm asking YOU dear readers. What do you think?


Tracy said...

I had a shirt once that after a couple washings got a whole in it. Come to find out it had a buckle kind of device in the front to cinch it in and that rubbed during washing (which I followed the directions) and put a whole in it. Unfortunately all the store had were larger sizes that I needed so I couldn't get a replacement. I really liked that shirt too.

Aubrey said...

When you figure that out, start figuring out why I get oil stains on my clothes randomly after I wash them.

Katie Robertson said...

I find that shirts with the little ink thingies on them at the store tend to grow holes. Whenever I buy a shirt and they have to detach something, I always check to make sure none of the threads were damaged. If any of them were accidentally cut through, they will grow into a hole after you wash it a couple time. I hate it!

Steph said...

Sometimes mine get little holes because I wear a belt and rub up against something hard, like my desk. It seems to snag. So if you are a belt wearerer (it's a word) that might be it.

oldies but goodies