Friday, July 13, 2012

sometimes you just wanna scream

I'm LDS (Mormon). Am I as good/ or as active a Member as I need to be? Nope. I have my vices like everyone else, and I am constantly falling flat on my face. I understand that us 'Mormons' are a strange people-hell I was RAISED Mormon and I still think we're a bunch of weirdos. What I don't understand how people can be so heartless, disrespectful, and cruel. Working where I do I'm in the minority (for some reason Members shy away from foodservice-maybe it's the booze), and most time it's not a problem-just some occasional ignorance. Sometimes I run into people who are just jerks. It infuriates me to have to sit and listen to people poke fun and say what I don't believe isn't true. Or how they take delight in tormenting the missionaries that have been sent to them by people they know. I get the Church isn't for everyone, and I get that there are people who don't want the Gospel in their lives. It makes me sad, but that's the great thing about agency; we all have the choice to accept or reject the Gospel, and my only job is to respect their choice and keep loving them. Apparently some people struggle with that more than I do...

Is it really that hard to be NICE and RESPECTFUL of what someone else believes? I'm not Baptist or Jehovah's Witness, but I would NEVER be mean or disrespectful towards someone who loves their beliefs enough that they want to approach a complete stranger and share them.

Because I was at my desk and I have to maintain a level of professionalism and the fact I'm not very good at rational thought where ignorant people are concerned there wasn't much I could do, but I did do my best to defend my beliefs. I honestly have never had this problem. Most people are respectful towards me and what I believe and I've never wanted to punch someone in the face like I did my co-worker. 

I know I could have done something more, but I don't know what. Now I just feel like a turd because I sat there like a dope.


Heidi said...

Christ did say, if someone smites you on the cheek, turn and offer him your other. I think what you did was the higher road. It sucks sometimes but it is more Christlike. HOWEVER Christ did chastise the temple for their lack of reverence. If the offense is happening in the "world", take the high road and ignore unless they are directing it personally towards you. If it's happening in your temple, home or otherwise, then by all means educate the dense invalids.

Heidi said...

Also. . . Don't sell yourself short. Everyone has vices, some are just more willing to admit to them.

KColton said...

This happens to me sometimes at work while cutting hair. It's sooo uncomfortable cause I don't want to make them upset and have them leave angry and not come back or not tip me. blah. I'm learning to defend myself instead of staying quiet but sometimes it's easier to let them rattle off their opinions instead of trying to change them. There is a reason why it's important not to talk about religion or politics at work!

oldies but goodies