Friday, March 09, 2012

what a pain in the neck

I just can't seem to get a break. Three weeks ago I threw my back out. Then on Tuesday my neck started to bother me. Just as I was starting to feel normal again. Sheesh.

At first I thought it was because I slept on it funny and shrugged it off. Three days later not only does it still hurt, but the pain has traveled from my SCM muscle into the superior and medial parts of my Trapezius. (Sorry, my anatomy class rears its ugly head again.) I'm pretty sure now it's all stress-I was at my audition and SUPER stressed when it first started to hurt and I can pinpoint the source of pain, but I'm just not rad enough in my massage skills to work on myself and get it to let go and relax. This afternoon I did a web search to see if there was anything I could do to find some relief and make it through the day, and apparently I'm going to die. I typed in 'neck and shoulder pain relief' and every result listed something along the lines of 'neck and shoulder pain can be the symptom of more serious issues like stroke, heart attack, cancer, and meningitis.' REALLY? I just want to know how to make it through the day and now I'm freaking out that I have meningitis and am going to die before I get there. I know that's what happens when you try to be your own doctor, but come on.

If Web Md is right and I DO drop dead today I just want you all to know that I love you.


Most Happy Girl said...

I love you, too! Don't drop dead! We have a great chiropractor who's on almost all insurance plans (if your plan includes chiro care). Let me know if you want his info!

miss kristen said...

Thanks, but I've got a chiropractor. I have a physical therapy appointment for my back today, but since that's feeling loads better I'm going to see if they can help me with my neck.

oldies but goodies