Monday, March 19, 2012

needy pants

For the past week Mr. Wonderful has been sick. REALLY sick. For those of you who know Mr. Wonderful this is a BIG DEAL. He never gets sick. With the exception of the "Disneyland Swine Flu Incident of 2009" I have never seen him be really floored by anything. He's one of those people who can take some Ny-Quil, get a good night's sleep, and be fine the next morning. Because he has been feeling so terrible and I am just starting to feel normal again after my months worth of back/neck problems he has forbidden me to come around. I'm sure the fact that I am a complete BEAR when I don't feel well has nothing to do with this decision either...riiight.

Just when we thought he was getting better a trip to InstaCare yesterday revealed he's got pink eye now, too. At least I can take comfort in the fact the strep test was negative and his lungs and chest sounded great, right? Can I just say how much I hate it? I hate not seeing him, knowing that he's miserable and there's nothing I can do, and my inner nurturer especially hates not being able take care of him. The thing I hate the most is how irritable I have been this week not having him around.
Needing someone is always construed as being such a negative thing, but I need Mr. Wonderful around. If I've had anything confirmed to me this week is this: I CAN manage without Mr. Wonderful, I just don't WANT to. I am lucky to have a man who is constantly encouraging me to pursue my own interests, have my own friends, and be my own person, but I'm better when we're together. He brings out the best in me and he makes me want to be the best person possible because that's what he deserves. He is the steady keel to my random crazy, and as a result I'm just happier when he's around.  

If that makes me needy, then guilty as charged. I'm a simple person and I don't need a lot to be happy. I'm not always looking for something bigger and better. I'm content just being able to sit on the couch and watch a movie with my sweetie. When I can't do that it makes me grumpy. I just know I can't wait until he's no longer sick. Any good juju/happy thoughts/prayers you want to send his way would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Most Happy Girl said...

Wanting someone around is not the same as needing them around to fulfill you. It sounds to me like you and Mr. Wonderful have it right. A good couple is one where being with each other makes you both better.

Sending good thoughts and juju to both Mr. Wonderful and his "sadder half without him around". :)

oldies but goodies