Monday, March 12, 2012

sitting waiting wishing

I've decided there's something worse than rejection. Waiting to find out if you've been rejected or not. I especially hate when they say you'll hear something Saturday, Sunday, or Monday at the latest. We all know you're gonna let us know on Monday, so why make us torture ourselves the other two days? If I didn't know better I'd say it's because they enjoy watching us squirm. Too bad for you you haven't seen me every time my phone 'pings' with an email's quite funny. (Yes, I probably should turn the notifications off-at least through tonight, but then I would resort to manually checking it every five minutes. I'll take the small heart-attack with each 'ping!' over being called obsessive...)


Yes, I'm still waiting to find out if I've earned the privilege of playing the Narrator in 'Joseph' or not. I wish I didn't care about this so much-it would make waiting SO much man Jack has been running through my head all day...enjoy.

(At least I can take comfort in the fact that I WILL know by the end of tonight as the read-through is tomorrow...right?)


Aubrey said...

I'm right there with you! I HATE the waiting! Best wishes, though! That's an awesome part!

miss kristen said...

Yeah, it would've been rad. Oh well. The producer's daughter needed the part more than me anyway...

Most Happy Girl said...

You have to love (i.e. hate) politics or favoritism ruling how shows are cast. I'm sure it happens on professional shows, too.

My new major ward calling means I won't be auditioning for shows anytime in the near future; at least not until I get the routine under my belt and feel a lot less overwhelmed. So I guess that means it will happen about two months before I'm released. :)

miss kristen said...

Yeah, it makes me mad, but there's nothing I can do about it. They spilt the narrator part into four and I'm just upset that the four worst call backs were all cast, and the best audition is a wife.

Politics SUCK for sure.

miss kristen said...

And now I REALLY want to know what your new calling is!!

oldies but goodies