Tuesday, May 24, 2011

is your filter really THAT broken?

Man, all it seems I do on here lately is bitch...I'm sorry.

I have another reason I don’t like weddings-hopefully I am not the only one and you singletons can relate. Being forced through the duration of the wedding/reception to endure the “status of your relationship/when are YOU getting married” comments if you’re with someone, and the “you’re next!/you should get on it” comments if you’re single.

I get that it comes from a place of love. I get that you’re trying to be supportive. I get that because we are friends or family you feel you have a right to say these things and it immediately exempts you from being tactless or stops you from being a jerk. What YOU don’t get is it’s NOT loving. It’s NOT supportive, IT IS tactless and it DOES make you a jerk. By keeping these comments to yourself you are being light years more supportive than the people who let it fly and subsequently make me feel like shit.

I am all for girl power. Girls can do most anything that a man can do. Except propose. So don’t suggest it. I have never and WILL NEVER entertain the idea of getting down on one knee. Proposing is the one thing that should ALWAYS be left to a man. I have yet to meet a man that wants his woman to propose, and I WILL NOT take his thunder. I want to know he wants me because he asked me, not because I flipped the tables and put him on the spot in an awkward situation. More power to the girls who do it, but it’s not for me. I also find it HILARIOUS that the people who tell me to do this are the women who are waiting for their own man to propose or had their husbands propose to them after they waited for them to do it. If you yourself didn't get down on one knee (or aren't planning to) and ask for your man's hand in marriage telling me to will promptly make my eyes glaze over and start to drool profusely. Plus it makes you a hypocrite. So don't.

It’s one thing if I was making comments to anyone who will listen, but I’m not. With the exception of my blog (which is mine and my thoughts and feelings so I'm just entitled to put them here as you are to NOT read them) I don’t say anything to anyone. Why they feel the need to constantly remind me of what I don’t have, I don't know. I’m well aware, thanks. Although I know I could be happier, I’m not unhappy. I’m content. Why isn’t this good enough for these people? MY OWN PARENTS aren’t riding me to get married, so why is everyone else?

I’m not the only one who is privy to these tactless, insensitive comments. My friend is 7.5 months pregnant, not any bigger than any other pregnant woman who is 7.5 months along, yet people think it’s ok to tell her she’s having twins, looks huge for how far along she is, ready to pop any day now, or may be giving birth to a horse. A HORSE! When did tact become optional?

I'm tired of not saying anything because I don't want to be percieved as the bitter girl unable to get herself married off-which is NOT the case. Unless I bring it up, IT’S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS!! I’m to the point I’m just going to start making snarky comments about the things THEY don’t want brought up about them in retort. Maybe by turning the tables they’ll get that it doesn’t matter how well-meaning their comments are. They hurt, it’s none of their business, and I’m tired of being forced to endure them with a graceful “joke’s on me” smile on my face.

I just want to live my life and not have to endure any more unwanted or unsolicited marriage comments. From anyone. Exept Mr. Wonderful. Those are welcome. But only from him. Everyone else needs to shusha their mouths.


S.R. Braddy said...

You know, you'd probably have less to complain about if you got engaged. Maybe you should do something about that...

Wait, no, I've got this:


miss kristen said...

You have a FAT LOT of room to talk my friend.

When are you going to start asking girls out Stephen?

Larissa said...

Stephen doesn't like girls;-)

I'm already preparing awesome witty commentary to respond to when I have to face this filter-less folks you talk about at my lil sis's wedding next April. It's going to be AWESOME.

S.R. Braddy said...

Stephen likes Gilmore Girls...

Seriously, though, I think a lot of this conversation stems from people not having a lot to relate to. You can't engage in serious discussion about pregnancy if you're NOT pregnant, so you joke about it. Same with being "old" (note the quote marks) and single. I bet most aren't even aware that they're jokes are a little offensive.

Miss Megan said...

I have two wedding to attend this weekend. Fortunately, the only people I know at one are the bride and groom, so I can get outta there quick. The other is for a friend I've known for 16 years, and her dad simply canNOT wrap his brain around the fact that I am single (I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that he has 6 daughters and never learned NOT to ask those kinds of questions). I may need you to junk-kick him for me, Kristen.

miss kristen said...

You're just hoping Alexis Bledel is still single...

If you need help Riss, let me know. I'll have 12 months of zingers at the ready.

True, but being ignorant doesn't give you licence to ACT ignorant. I have never been pregnant, but I would never dream of making a fat joke to a pregnant woman.
It's like asking a man you're unsure about if he's gay. You just don't do it.

miss kristen said...

Megan, I will so junk kick for you. My offer still stands if you need a date. I'm bitter and snarky. Guaranteed good time--unless you can get Stephen to go with you. ;)

Miss Megan said...

I would cut down a lot of questions if I brought you, Kristen, and introduce you as my "date." Or it could encourage hilarious questions, and I could respond with, "Well, I'd like to get married, but it's illegal at the moment..."

Seriously, though, I think I'll be okay. There are several people I want to see and I don't feel obligated to stay the entire time. If all else fails, I'll bail and go to QuickWits. Heaven knows I'll probably need a good laugh!

Larissa, you have a whole year at the wedding. Whose to say at that point you won't have a date of your own? (Junk-kicking myself on your behalf...now!)

Gingerstar.kw said...

I <3 you guys!!!

Sorry you have to put up with comments of a different sort Kristen, Stephen, Larissa, and Megan.

I'm seriously for the JUNK PUNCH tactic!

Gingerstar.kw said...

The sad thing is, with the exception of the Horse guy, people are not making jokes when they say things to me. They are saying them in all sincerity. The Horse guy's comment hurt less because I knew he was joking, and I didn't know him. It's the sincere comments from people I DO know that are really hurtful.

oldies but goodies