Tuesday, May 10, 2011

day thirty!

Woot! I made it! I agree with my friend Most Lucky Girl-I feel good knowing I did it, will miss blogging every day, but won't miss the pressure to blog every day, or the bizarre questions one bit.

I'm 24 hours away from a cut and color-and look like HUD-so you don't get a picture of me from today. Instead you get a half picture of me (but it's one of my favorites regardless) from about three months ago:

May the force be with you.

Three things I'm glad have happened to me:
  1. Mr. Wonderful
  2. The Gospel and the blessings it gives me.
  3. Over all I've been blessed with a happy, full life. Good friends, good work, AWESOME family...   I've got it all.

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oldies but goodies