Monday, May 09, 2011

day twenty-nine

Something I never get tired of:

Bonus points to whoever knows who she is...

I've been singing as long as I can remember.


S.R. Braddy said...


Bonus points, please.

miss kristen said...

Holy crap you're fast!

(And as a child of the 80's you BETTER had known Jem!)

Fun tidbit-I TOTALLY had Jem earrings growing up.

Miss Megan said...

You had Jem earrings? I'm so jealous!

I can still sing the entire theme song. And I borrowed seasons 1 and 2 last year, and knew most of the songs in the episodes... I wish they'd revive this show, but not as a live-action thing. That would kill it.

Steph said...

This blog is Jem-tastic!

oldies but goodies