Friday, October 26, 2012

mind your own business

"So, when are you and Mr. Wonderful getting married?"

I know people mean well and when I'm asked this it comes from a place of love (for the most part), but I'm so sick of it I'm ready to start punching people in the face. Here's why:

A: If I had an announcement to make I'd make it.


C: It's a humiliating question to answer and I'm tired of acting like it doesn't bother me and you're not the ZILLIONTH tactless person to pass judgement and unwanted advice on a situation you know NOTHING about.

Suffice it to say if there's ever an announcement to make I'll make it. In the mean time keep your rude, tactless, and inappropriate questions and comments to yourself. If you choose to be a jerk and ask anyway, consider yourself warned.

Friday, October 19, 2012


I have never been one for revisiting the past. I find for me it’s hard to move forward if I do, so although I often look back on things fondly I rarely go back and revisit it. I have never gone to a High School reunion; I rarely shed tears when a show comes to a close, and I am always trying to live my life the best I can and make wonderful memories for myself, but always keep moving forward. I have also found the few times I have allowed myself to revisit the past it has left me wishing I had just left well enough alone and not marred the memories I did have.  

Wednesday night was the first time I was actually glad to revisit something. About a month ago Steph emailed us and let us know that the South Valley Theater Association asked all the arts councils in the valley to do a reprisal of one of their shows from the year for a benefit concert, and she wanted to know if the Wonderettes would be interested in getting back together for this one night event.
After making sure I schedule was open (thanks to rehearsals for this) I said yes to revisiting Missy and singing with the Wonderettes again. As skeptical as I was at first-it had been almost three months since we'd closed--I'm so glad my schedule allowed me to do this. It was only a 10-minute set, and the tech aspect was more than a little rough, but it was so much fun being on stage with the girls singing our songs again, and I was so glad friends who hadn't been able to see the show initially were able to come get a taste of this adorable production. I had completely forgotten how much I love Missy and doing this show. She is in my top three roles and I wouldn't hesitate at the opportunity to play Missy again. Thanks to the SVTA for putting this together!

Be Marvelous!

Together again! (Suzy, Cindy Lou, Betty Jean, and Missy-The Marvelous Wonderettes!)

Friday, October 12, 2012


When did having your own opinion become a bad thing? And when did it become ok for people to trash yours when they don’t line up to what they themselves believe to be correct? People’s politics, religious views, clothing choices, movie tastes, what sports you watch and teams you root for, music preferences, and even whether you prefer an iPhone or an Android are subject to ridicule if it strays from what is considered ‘the norm’. Who defines what is ‘the norm’ anyway?

One of the ‘norms’ that bothers me the most is the battle of the Beatles. If you are not a rabid fan somehow you are not human or something equally ridiculous. Let me go on the record and state that although I enjoy their music they are not my favorite, and in my opinion they didn’t revolutionize anything. They merely made popular what other artists like the Beach Boys and Elvis were already doing. Yesterday I shared a video on Facebook and stated that although I’m not a fan, I love this particular song. I immediately had a friend attack me and call me a loser because I am not a member of the Beatles fan club. What I WANTED to do was go on the defensive and retaliate to the personal attack I felt was being thrown at me. Instead I tried to take the high road (which I may have failed at) and stated I feel I am an individual because I don't merely go along with the crowd because it is the ‘cool’ thing to do. The person then attacked me (or so I felt) again by saying people can say that about Disneyland. Not wanting to get into an ever bigger, more pointless argument that would do nothing but tick me off I decided to let it go.

My question to you, dear blog readers is this. Why do people think bullying people with different views is ok? I enjoy a good debate and the opportunity to share my point of view with other people, and I may get passionate (which may sound angry but it’s me just wanting to be heard and have my point of view respected), but I would NEVER attack someone personally and resort to bullying, name calling, and mud flinging for what they believed, so why do people think it's ok to do it to me? Are they that insecure with their own beliefs that they are afraid a differing point of view will cause them to come toppling down? What ever happened to live and let live? Maybe this is the wrong approach to take, but at the end of the day I am only worried about the choices that affect me directly and what I will have to stand accountable for before the Lord. Will He care that I was a rabid Beatles or Disneyland fan? I doubt it. Will He care how I treated the people who didn’t share my beliefs? You betcha. So here’s my proposition-fitting because it is anti-bully month and all: you worry about you and I’ll worry about me, and anything we don’t see eye to eye on we’ll respect each other’s right to our views and just agree to disagree, yes? Ok, good. 

*and for the record I DID talk to this particular friend rather than just passive-aggressively posting here.

oldies but goodies