Wednesday, August 22, 2012

word vomit

I'm pretty good at thinking before I speak...usually.

Unless it involves a certain man and a certain life event that is well on its way but has yet to occur. (No I'm not delusional, I promise. I'm not going to share why for the interwebs though.) When that subject comes up I'm about as capable of keeping my filter intact as well...nothing.

Seriously what is my deal? I can go from decent, loving girl to ungrateful spoiled brat in a matter of nano seconds. The fact that I am well aware of what I'm doing and still incapable of keeping my mouth shut is particularly disturbing. Especially because no matter what anyone says NO ONE deserves having to put up with that. I know it's terrible and unacceptable because not only am I ashamed of my abhorrent behavior I'm absolutely humiliated to admit this. WHY am I admitting this publicly again? 

How do you keep your filter in tact? I'm failing miserably and if Mr Wonderful knew what was good for him he'd simply say 'sayonara' rather than put up with this nonsense.  Because I will be the first to admit it is complete nonsense.


S.R. Braddy said...

Filters break down when you've got strong feelings about something. Sometimes you just have to tell people how you feel. Of course, I'm not necessarily the best person to talk to about "filters," considering mine's pretty dangerously open.

Heidi said...

The thing about filters breaking down and spitting on the ones you care about, an apology and tremendous amounts of positive reinforcements have to follow. No one is perfect. We all have our weaknesses. If filter failure isis one, they'll understand if you are on damage control shortly afterwards. The knowledge that you have about it is the first step. Next is to work on identifying it before it happens and stopping the behavior before it hurts someone. That is if you really want you do something about it. Don't be do heard on yourself.

Heidi said...

I have to say I hate doing everything on my phone. Sorry for the typos.

oldies but goodies