Sometimes you forget just how blessed you are and it takes a monumental pile of crap to remind you that it's not as bad as you think. The last few weeks have been a monumental pile of crap and today I am overwhelmed with love for a few people. So much so I have to put it out there lest I continue to feel ungrateful for not putting it out there.
I know I say it all the time, but
Mr. Wonderful more than earns his blog name. I don't know how he does it, but he balances my random craziness with his steady, even keel. He reminds me that life doesn't always need to be taken so seriously, that it's ok to act like a little kid now and then, and that his taste in things isn't as bad as I think. He is caring and considerate and knows when to step up and pick up the slack. He does so quietly without looking for recognition. He does it merely because he loves me. He supports my passions-even when I know going to the theatre isn't his favorite thing. He will humor me when I volunteer us to pose for friends who are trying to build their photography portfolios. He is quick to recognize what I need and be that man for me-the hands to lift me up, the shoulder to cry on, or the person who sits quietly next to me while I vent. Is our relationship perfect? No. But he is perfect for me and I am so grateful for him. I thank my lucky stars for whatever I did that made HF see fit to send him to me by making our paths cross again. He is such a wonderful man, and I am so happy I get to call him mine.
I don't know how I lived 26 years without
Sparky in my life. He is the yin to my yang, the Blanche to my Rose, the Carrie to my Charlotte. Meeting him was truly kismet and I thank my lucky stars I can call him one of my very best friends. He is the person who not only convinced me to think outside the box and audition for a straight play instead of my standard musical, but also that I
could do it. We are so alike it's almost scary, and he is my go-to person for all things 'chicky'-much to Mr. Wonderful's relief. We can go on a week-long vacation together and come out the back side still loving each other as much as we did when we left, we talk about anything and everything, we aren't afraid to call each other on our respective crap, and even if we go months without talking (it's happened), we pick up right where we left off like nothing has changed.
Almost two years ago I met
Stephen. We've spent these two years as acquaintances, following each other on Facebook and our blogs, but I have been so blessed in getting to know him better after playing opposite him for these last few months. Stephen is handsome and kind, caring, supportive and witty, extremely talented, eloquent and
uber smart (I frequently feel inferior to his knowledge), and
funny as hell. I figured he was, being as he's in an
improv troupe and all, but WOW. All I do is laugh when he's around. He has a soft side he tries so hard to hide with cynicism, but once you can get past that and see the real Stephen there is so much more to him. He has helped me so much in the past 8 weeks-he has been my cheerleader, my support, a great ego-booster, and above all my friend. I am SO grateful for him and the fact that I can now call him a friend instead of just an acquaintance.
Around the same time I met Stephen I met
Justina. She is the sweetest, kindest, most genuine person I know. She will quite literally drop everything she is doing, drive out to the Magna library, and run lines with you for an hour even if you haven't seen her in ages merely because you needed her to. She is so supportive (and has come to see Blithe two-or is it three? times),
talented, and so full of Christ-like love for everyone. I'm sure there's not a mean or hateful bone in her body, I admire her immensely, and wish I was more like her. I just love her guts.
Theatre families are an interesting dynamic. Sometimes you hate them, and sometimes you really hit it off with them. My cast mates in
'Blithe' have made this one of the best theatre experiences I've ever had. Yes it's been hard, stressful, and there were times I didn't think I would be ready in time. But we were, and it has been amazing working with so many wonderful people. As ready as I am to move onto the next adventure I am sad for this weekend and knowing I won't be able to see these wonderful people as regularly as I am now.
When I met
Karalee I was a 20-something and she was fresh out of High School. Now I'm a 30-something and she's fresh out of cosmetology school with a sweeter than sweet husband. I am so grateful that our paths crossed again, not only because she does my hair for me but also because I genuinely look forward to seeing her. I love talking to her and she is another one of those people I can go forever without seeing and we still manage to pick up where we left off. Kar is kind and compassionate, patient, and long-suffering. In short I wish I was more like her.
The list goes on and on, and I hate making public declarations like this because I always worry someone will be hurt because I haven't mentioned them. If you're reading this rest assured I am grateful for you. These are just the people who have been on my mind the most lately and I couldn't NOT say something about them. (And thanks for letting me steal photos off your Facebook pages everyone.) :)