Friday, February 10, 2012

i am

Last week kind-of-sucked. Why, you may ask? Well I was called some names by someone. Names in a million years I never thought I’d be called-and especially not by who said it.

They called me fake and judgmental.

I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It did-and still does; but I think that was their point. Well, mission accomplished. All for giving them the honesty they asked for.

I’ve always prided myself as being the “what you see is what you get” person, but apparently in their eyes I am not. Apparently to them I am fake. And Judgemental.
Man, I’ve always hated that damn word. Judgmental. What an unfair term. Why? Everyone is judgmental by definition alone and somehow it has become a negative term filled with hate.

1: The process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing

The last week I have been stressing over what I am not; today I decided to focus instead on what I AM. Haters can go to hell.

I AM a daughter of earthly and Heavenly parents. I know they love me. I know they are proud to call me 'daughter'.
I AM a big sister. I may not always be liked by my siblings; but I always have their best interest at heart
I AM the sweetheart to a wonderful man who I am always striving to be worthy of
I AM a friend to many, an enemy to few
I AM an auntie to the most beautiful, smartest nieces and nephews ever
I AM a singer. I may not be the best, but I know I AM good.
I AM an actress
I AM a tap dancer
I AM a cook
I AM a ‘live and let live’ person
I AM fiery and passionate
I AM trying to be more patient
I AM giving-almost to a fault
I AM someone who takes accountability for my actions and tries to be better
I AM always trying to learn from my mistakes
I AM flawed, but it’s ok
I AM not afraid to stand up for myself and the people I love
I AM a Facebook junkie
I AM always trying to be a Christ-like example to others
I AM not perfect, nor do claim to be
I AM loud
I AM fun
I AM kind
I AM important
I AM an advocate
I AM a family person
I AM a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
I AM trying to be a good represenative of my faith
I AM not afraid to question ‘the norm’
I AM a teacher
I AM a supporter
I AM a believer in the arts
I AM a listener and an advice giver
I AM a pet parent
I AM a hugger
I AM a Disnelyand addict
I AM objective and rational-most of the time.
I AM always striving to be someone ‘who breaks the mold’

I AM me.

You know what? I AM not always going to be everyone’s favorite. But guess what? That’s OK. I go to bed each night knowing I was true to ME and the people who love ME. And that is the most important thing any of us can do.


Justina said...

I can't believe someone called you that! I think the picture at the end summed it up though. Yeah, people have their opinions and such, but in the end they are the ones that end up being judgemental. I think that you are awesome. Keep a smile on and have a great closing weekend for Spitfire!

labrythyne said...

Ew. How horrible of someone to say! I hope this peep is no longer a close friend of yours? And most of the time, those who say others are judgmental are judgmental.

And you totally forgot a few things on your list there:

-YOU ARE a big movie buff.

-YOU ARE one hell of a cute person - especially when you laugh inappropriately or awkwardly with me.

-YOU ARE that person who will say something even if it causes an uproar.

-YOU ARE a meticulous and detailed individual.

-YOU ARE sensitive to those around around you and you're always helping others out.

-YOU ARE way more outgoing than most of the population.

-YOU ARE one hard worker and you take pride in that.

-YOU ARE just pretty much awesome :D

miss kristen said...

Thanks B. I love your face!!

oldies but goodies