Thursday, February 02, 2012

moving by the numbers

Well ladies and gentlemen, the day has come and gone and I am officially moved!! It was a long, stressful, not fun process, but I'm glad it's finally over and done with. Tuesday night as I was unpacking the last of my boxes I realized there are a LOT of numbers involved in moving. For your reading enjoyment, here they are:

People recruited to help: 5
People who came from St. George: 2 (thanks Momma and LB2!)
Moving trucks rented: 1
Hours spent loading and unloading truck: 6
Shins hit into ball hitch on truck: 3
Washer and dryer on loan from awesome man: 1 of each
Back injuries: 1 (it was Mr Wonderful, and he's fine now, just twisted it weird trying to maneuver his washer up his parent's stairs.)
Increase in square footage: 110
How much bigger it feels: 0
Balcony entrances: 2
Trips to Lowes/Home Depot: 3
Boxes moved/unpacked: 50-ish
Times I misplaced my box cutter: Countless
Cuts/scrapes/other odd hand ailments: 4
Days taken off of work: 2
Days I wish I had taken: 5
Loads of laundry waiting for me over the next two days: 5 or 6 (It's amazing what you put off washing when confronted with the reality of having to lug it to the laundromat)
Trips to the dumpster: 5
Bags sent to the DI: 4
Happy birds: 1 (or it could be because she's Lizzy Borden .)
Emotional melt-downs: 2 (In my defense I was just done)
New neighbors met: 3
Change of addresses submitted: 5 ( I THINK I got them all...)
Days without DVR: 3
Keys turned in: 5
Noisy Neighbors: ZERO!!!

To sum it up moving sucks. It's expensive, stressful, emotionally and physically draining, and has the potential to ruin even the strongest relationships.
My friend Steve said it best: anything it can cost you to move it will. Well put Steve, well put.


Larissa said...

I have never moved with furniture. I always lived in furnished apartments and could move around in basically three or four carloads. But now that I have furniture, even though not much, moving may just about kill me. This is part of the reason I never bought a dresser and just use my extra closet with shelves as such. And part of the reason I never bought a bedroom set at all for either bedroom. Thanks adjustable bed frames for $25 each at Sam's Club.

miss kristen said...

The only furniture I have is a couch, the hug, kitchen table and chairs, a dresser, two book shelves, and a bed with a frame.
Moving sucks.

Most Happy Girl said...

It took me three weeks to move from my condo into Mr. Perfect's house: one before the wedding and two after. Of course, no one was moving into the condo, so we didn't have any time constraints on us. The only thing I hired out was the piano. I will never again move a piano without calling professionals. I'm just saying...

oldies but goodies