Thursday, December 29, 2011

couch potato

I have a confession. My name is Miss Kristen and I am a bona fide couch potato.
I had been living in a state of denial until earlier this week. You see, until recently all I've had is the red couch I bought almost new off of ksl two years ago. Although it serves its purpose it has HUGE back rest cushions that have a tendency to take up the entire couch, making it hard to stay seated on the thing; forget about lounging on it. Until...

Fast forward to two weeks ago. LB2 and SIL2 came to Salt Lake for brother's work. They brought me a glorious gift: a Love Sak. Not just any Love Sak. The big one. The one that's so big it takes up my living room. The one so big Mr. Wonderful and I don't have to be contortion experts to snuggle on and watch a movie. The one that's so big there's no way I could have afforded it-sand neither could they had it not been LB2's last employee purchase before changing jobs. That Love Sak.

You guys, it's like sitting in a hug. I've napped in it several times. It's where I sought respite after the horrific event that was last Wednesday. It's also where I have sorry to admit I have  begun to forge many a bad habit. Bad habits like eating garden veggie reduced cal cream cheese and triscuits. Catching up on the last five episodes of Glee--in one sitting. Simply sitting and doing nothing. It's a major time suck, but I love it.

If these weren't indicators enough of my current plight I got excited planning my first free evening in almost a month as sitting in the hug and catching up on the Grey's, New Girl, Once Upon a Time, and How I Met Your Mother quickly accumulating on the DVR.

You guys, it's bad. I know I shouldn't, but I just can't get enough of this thing. Everyone should have a Love Sak! If being a couch potato is wrong I don't wanna be right...ok, maybe I do, but it's gonna be a hard thing to give up for sure.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

things that must go

I will freely admit that for reasons unknown to me I was a complete and utter Grinch this Christmas. You would think I would have been ecstatic because it was the first Christmas I spent up here with Mr. Wonderful and his family. I was-at first, but as the day got closer I just became sadder which I then allowed to turn into anger over what I was missing down south.  Allow me to clarify and say this was not the first Christmas I had ever spent away from my own family, so I still don’t understand what my deal was. Although this was not foreign territory to me all I could focus on was the fact I was missing them something fierce.
I feel  bad for Mr. Wonderful and his family-they have convinced themselves that I didn’t have a good time and I don’t like their traditions-I did, and I do-and I am so thankful that they welcomed me with loving and open arms. I just missed my family and our traditions.

In an effort to get rid of my Grinchiness and have a better outlook for the impending New Year I feel it’s necessary to perform an exorcism of sorts. I present here for your reading enjoyment my  most recent list of things that must go-if you want butterflies and rainbows you need to stop reading now because this ain’t gonna be pretty:

Announcing huge life events via updating your status. I get that you’re happy. I get that you want to share your good news with everyone in the quickest way possible. What I don’t get is how the second you get the ring on your finger or the baby in your belly you are too quick to forget the people in your life who want that very thing but keep falling short. You may not think it’s a big deal, but it stings. A LOT. Maybe you should check your empathy button before you go off on how you are so happy and how you can’t believe your wait is finally over, and how it’s everything you want it to be and MORE, and how lucky in love you are—ESPECIALLY when the platform you are proclaiming this from gives the recipient no warning, and no ability to filter it until AFTER it’s been read. I get you’re happy, but your insensitivity is breaking a lot of hearts.

Sending mass texts about said life event AFTER you’ve posted on Facebook. I already was blindsided on facebook. I don’t need you to add insult to injury via text. If I can muster my fake mommy smile long enough to be polite I’ll pass along congratulations. If you go fishin for congratulations before I’m ready to play nice you won’t like the results.  

Face-boxing. If I want a steady stream of political bashing I will join a political site. If I want to read your latest dramatic diatribe I’ll subscribe to your blog. I’m on Facebook to keep in touch and because it’s mindless fun. Facebook is not your personal soap box. Let’s keep it light and fun, people!

Facebook over-shares. On that same note Facebook is not a place to over share. I don’t need to know about your cramps, or how you’ve been puking your guts out the last three days, or how your sister’s labor is progressing (*guilty* and lesson learned within 30 seconds of hitting ‘send’).  I don’t log in to be made uncomfortable or grossed out. Save the gross stuff for your doctor and give me the funny you tube videos and picture parodies.

Repeats on FoodNetwork. It’s bad enough that I have to have you on and be tormented by your deliciousness all day, but come on. You are an older station with quite the archive of shows. I shouldn’t be seeing the same episodes of Paula Deen, Gi-a-DUH, and Rachel Ray all week. It’s ok to mix it up peeps.

Giada. If her necklines get any lower or her hairstyles any higher she’s a gold chain away from being a bad Italian stereotype. It’s bad enough you named your kid the English translation of your OWN name, but if  I have to hear you over pronounce ‘Riz-oh-TOE’, ‘pah-st-AH’, ‘mas-ca-PONY cheese’, ‘pan-chain-TAH’, ‘CRRReamy’, ‘CRRRunchy’, or ‘CRRRust’ again I might just need to put my head through a wall.

People who should be riding on the short bus rather than driving it. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Do us all a favor, pull your head out of your ass, and quit driving like you own the road. You don’t, and I’m tired of having to up my defensive driving game because you don’t understand how a merge works.

Doing all the work so someone else gets all the credit. You didn’t do it all on your own. Recognize that. Makes it easier for me to WANT to help you next time.

People shortening my name. It still isn’t cute, and it still bugs the hell out of me. STOP.

Forcing me to repeat myself.  Making me say the same thing over and over again only confirms your stupidity and irritates the hell out of me. You won’t get a different answer no matter how many times you re-word your question. Shut you mouth, open your ears, and we’ll all get along great.

Drama Queens. I have enough drama in my own life. I don’t need you trying to suck me into yours.

The Inversion. I miss sounding like a girl, not an 80-year old chain smoker. And breathing. The non-smoker smoker’s hack has got to go too.

Finding a place to move/moving. I hate where I live. I think I hate trying to find a place to live more. Although I have a few options available to me I don’t want to make the same mistake I made two years ago by not looking and blindly jumping into the first option presented to me. I’m down to three weeks, no time to look, and stress levels rising. Not to mention finding time to actually pack and GET moved once I figure out where.

And that is my list of things that must go, and I am already feeling better. Whoda thunk it?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

christmas soap box

I am fortunate enough to know people from all different walks of life. Gay, straight, Jew, Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, liberal, and conservative. We don’t always see eye to eye, but I will always love them.

The other day one of my friends got their knickers in a twist on Facebook about how they felt that the Christ part of Christmas was being shoved down their throat, and saying ‘Happy Holidays’ was the more ‘appropriate’ thing to say. Can I digress for one minute and tell you just how much I hate Facebook soap-boxing? A lot.

I try to be a live and let live type, but this irked me. Just because I choose to celebrate Christmas doesn’t mean I’m shoving a Christian agenda down your throat. It just means I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas because that’s the holiday I observe. It is as impossible to celebrate Christmas without Christ as it is to celebrate your birthday without you.

Yes I know many of our Christmas traditions originated from Pagan and Druid traditions, but the reason for the season has always remained the same. I don’t celebrate the tradition, I celebrate CHRIST. If you don’t like it, tough.

 I don’t get offended as a Christian when someone wishes me Happy Holidays, or Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah, or whatever it is they believe. I don’t understand why these same people who talk about equality and open-mindedness are usually the first ones to cry foul when people say we need to keep Christ in CHRISTmas. Did I miss something here?

Why is it so hard for so many people to actually practice what they preach? I merely proclaim that I am Christian; I have never shoved my beliefs down anyone’s throat and I understand what anyone else chooses to believe is their choice. It’s annoying to me that for some you’re only allowed to believe what you want-as long as it falls in line with that they themselves believe.

Please know that although I believe Christ needs to be the center of Christmas I am NOT forcing my beliefs on you when I wish you “Merry Christmas”, I am merely wishing you a Merry Christmas because I am Christian and Christmas is what I celebrate.  

Happy Christmas everyone!!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

kristen's kitchen:trainwreck omelette

Hello dear readers. It is I. No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. You would think that once I started Caroling I would have loads of stories to tell. Nope. I'm very very boring. Maybe once I'm there all week (that starts TONIGHT btw) I'll have stories to tell. Today I just have a recipe to share.
After my parents moved to St George I moved in with my Aunt Joan and Uncle Brad. My Uncle Brad (the Bradster) created a dish called the Trainwreck Omelette. It's fast, easy, and delish. You can add whatever you want to it, and there's really no measurements. You just have to feel it out. This round I made WAY too much, so I adjusted it before I posted here. Hopefully I got the quantities worked out so this will serve one-depending on how hungry you are.  


9 Tater tots
1 large egg
Shredded cheese
Salt and pepper (to taste)

Nuke tater tots for 15-30 seconds to soften up a bit then place in skillet. Heat over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until they have a little color and are easily mashed with a potato masher.
Yes I know there's more than 9 tots in there. I told you I WAY over shot.

While tots are heating scramble eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper. If you are adding additional ingredients add them to the eggs. Grate desired amount of cheese. Set both aside.

When tots are heated through gently mash until they are broken apart. Add salt and pepper, turn heat to medium high and finish heating through and are lightly crisp. (They'll stick/clump together so you may need to flip like a pancake.)

Turn heat to medium medium-low and pour beat eggs over tots. Gently stir to incorporate but be sure tots and eggs are even to ensure even cooking. Once eggs start to set turn heat to low and cover to cook the top of the eggs. You can flip it instead if you want, but I'm not coordinated enough to do it without ruining it.

* NOTE* Make sure all your prep is done BEFORE you pour the eggs. This round was way over-cooked  because I was trying to watch them and grate cheese...well that and I may or may not have forgotten to turn down my stove.

Once eggs are cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese, turn off heat, and place lid back on pan. The residual heat will melt the cheese.

Once cheese is melted serve immediately. I like mine with avocado, cholula, and a cottage cheese pear side, but you can do whatev. Enjoy!

Mr. Wonderful works swing now, so I will give you a rating of delish! It's super versatile and you can add whatever you want...if you do let me know how it works out! I'm thinking next time I'll try some spinach and mushrooms. The tricky part is mastering the measurements for the size of group you're making.

oldies but goodies