Thursday, September 15, 2011

did you know?

Many cool (and not so cool) people were born today.

People like

Tommy Lee Jones

Merlin Olsen

Heidi Montag- I did say some not so cool people,
didn't I?

Oliver Stone

Prince Harry-I knew that I liked him for a reason. :)

And last but not least, the cute little blonde girl on the right:

Who grew up to be the cute brunette girl you all love:

Just a tip for the rest of you-unless you are a size 0 do not, I repeat do NOT get your BMI and body fat analysis done on your birthday. I was just bludgeoned with how much work I have to do (in the interest of full disclosure and to make up for yesterday I'm gonna tell you--but only if you promise not to judge me please! 26 BMI 33% body on both counts so there is no birthday cake for me tonight!!).

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