Thursday, October 31, 2013

this is halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but you wouldn't guess it by looking at me this year. Since I was busy planning a wedding (which I will blog about soon-once I can remember stuffs-unless you don't care to read all about it--do you care to read about it?) taking care of my costume was demoted to the bottom of the list. I cut a batman logo out of felt, stitched it to a black T-shirt, dug out an old Witch cape, threw on a batman mask from a Happy Meal, and called it good enough. Because of my lack of effort I felt a little like What's Her Face. Oh well. The wedding seemed to be pretty rad so I think it was a fair trade.

I totally nailed the Blue Steel...
You know you have been busy when your favorite part of your costume is the fabulous shade of red lipstick. Next year it's on like Donkey Kong. Halloween will be my masterpiece once more. 

1 comment:

one crazy girl said...

Oh. My. Goodness! You used a picture I took of you as your profile pic! I feel so honored. And humbled. Thank you. Thank you.

Yes! Please blog about the wedding. It was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the pictures other people took.

oldies but goodies