Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Have any of you had an experience that although you're excited to be having you reach a point where you stop and think to yourself

"What the hell did I get myself into? I'm an IDIOT!"

Yeah, so there right about now.


S.R. Braddy said...

How's the Wonderettes going?

miss kristen said...

Alright. The music is kicking my trash and I NEVER struggle with music.

Miss Megan said...

If it makes you feel any better, I always have at least one rehearsal where I feel like I'm a terrible actress/singer/dancer and it was a huge mistake to do the show... if I can make it through that rehearsal, I am able to gain my confidence back by the time the show opens.

It's okay if we don't get it all right away -- 27 songs is a lot to learn in such a short period of time. You have four weeks, I know you can do it. I KNOW it!

miss kristen said...

Ha. I've felt that way for the last two weeks of rehearsals. I know I'll get it and I know I'm MARVELOUS, but crap. This music wants to make me cry. Especially when I think I've got it only to realize I learned the wrong (usually Cindy Lou's) part.
Good thing I have a ten hour round-trip drive coming up!!

oldies but goodies