Monday, April 11, 2011

day one

Man, I knew this wasn't the greatest idea. Only one day in and I'm already behind...oi. good thing I can change the dates! (he he he he)

Halloween circa 2010...yes there was a Mario. do I talk about today? Today started out fine but I was in a WICKED bad mood. (Don't ask, I have no idea why-although I'm fairly sure it has something to do with the fact I am now 0-3--three down, 15 to go). Work was fine, albeit a little slow, then it was off to the gym.

Have I mentioned how much I HATE going to the gym? I do. Every day I think of excuses en route NOT to go I hate it that much. Good thing I have Mr. Wonderful to keep me honest because I have NEVER been one of those people who thinks pushing oneself to the limit and hurting like a mofo the next day is a grand time (sorry Riss). I'm like a little kid who won't eat vegetables. I need exercise hidden in something fun that doesn't feel like exercise, like mothers hiding cauliflower in the mac and cheese. Aside from my LOATHING of the gym I'm tired of feeling (and looking) like a blob, so I only do it out of necessity. I DO, however look forward to keeping my pace at 5.0 or higher for the entire 45 minutes. Because then I get Girl Scout cookies when I get home. And yes I am guilty of watching food shows on my personal tv and fantasizing I'm there while on the elliptical. It makes something I already hate a little more bearable.

After the gym it was off to Mr. Wonderful's for dinner and the season finale of "Being Human". Based off of a British show of the same name, it's my new favorite Mr. Wonderful show selection--since "Walking Dead" is over until this Halloween. I highly recommend it-but it is a cable show---not Premium cable mind you-but since it involves werewolves and vampires (REAL werewolves and vampires, not the brooding sparkly all over lame kind.) there's more blood than you can get away with on network television.

Mr. Wonderful then humored me with streaming "When in Rome" on Netflix. I'm a chick flick lova, but this one was lame. I would have been ticked if I had paid money to see it. Avoid it if  you can. After that it was home and bed.

And here's to the most boring day in existence.

One down, 29 to go.


Most Happy Girl said...

Hey, I started mine on a Sunday. How exciting is church and sleeping? Love the photo!

Larissa said...

hmmm....hurting like a true mofo may be fun;-)

labrythyne said...

Maybe I should try this... maybe...

Anyways, I gotta say, the busty Luigi has never looked better ;)

oldies but goodies