Thursday, August 14, 2008

Coloring is cool...

So yesterday I had two things confirmed to me.
1. Despite his short comings (but let's face it, he deals with me on a daily basis, so there really aren't that many), I have the greatest boyfriend in the world. (I actually already knew this, but it's nice to have the reassurance now and then.)
2. No matter what age you are, coloring is just cool.

Since I have had a tough time as of late (don't ask-you DON'T want to know) Scott decided he would try to cheer me up and took me to Joe's for dinner-mostly because they have my favorite dessert in the world-bananas foster. Naturally I ordered crab, and Holls brought out my crab set-up which includes a tutorial/place mat on how to eat crab-don't laugh, you'd be surprised how many people STILL don't get it even after we've explained it. Anyway, I decided I wanted to color while I was waiting for my food. So I grabbed crayons from Branny, and had at it. Of course Scott laughed, but joined in. It's amazing how calming such a simple act is.

Well after dinner I decided that I HAD to have coloring stuff. So Scott humored me and we were off to Wal-Mart for 108 crayola crayons and coloring books. They had a JUMBO Disney Princess book so naturally that helped raise my spirits even more. Scott's good-natured teasing helped too, but he's got no room to talk. He gets excited when "X-Men" cartoon re-runs are on. :) I know he loves that I don't take myself too seriously. Hell, I adore the fact he still watches cartoons!

Well by the time I was done I was tired (I forgot how long it can take!) but felt loads better. Too bad it was gone this morning when I walked back into work. :(

1 comment:

Jared and Kinlee said...

I love coloring too! It is so relaxing. I'm glad that you found my blog, cause I didn't even know that you had one, but now I do! Scott is cute to you! What a great boyfriend for taking you out for dinner and coloring! :)

oldies but goodies