Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Paging all grown-ups...

I'm tired of being the only grown-up in the sea of immaturity...

I mean, I'm the youngest one here, and I'm the only one acting my age which is scary, because technically I should be the one acting out.

Kudos to my parents who taught me how to use my words and act my age. Especially my mom, who taught me that an even keel is your best asset.

I'm talking all earthy. I should have some dreads and smoking a bong...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I really need help. I am looking at everyone's blogs, and they look great. Mine doesn't. Anyone willing to help me? I'm a little illiterate on this site. Thanks!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Teach or not to teach...

So after I played on other's Blogs, I decided I wanted to start using my blogspot account again. I normally post blogs on my Myspace, but apparently only fourteen year olds hang out there anymore-huh. Who-da thunk it? Oh well. Hopefully after I play around on here, I will be able to thoroughly pimp this out like so many of my friends have.

Anyway. The reason I'm here. I've finally figured out what I want to do! As most of you might already know, I had thought for a long time that psychology was where I was supposed to be. As fascinating as I find the human mind, I just became more and more disinterested as time passed. But this summer I had an epiphany of sorts, and decided that I want to be a teacher. Now that I've made this decision and started doing the necessary things to get enrolled in school, I am beginning to doubt myself. Don't get me wrong, I feel very good about this choice, and it feels like it just fits, but with any huge decision naturally the fear sets in. Everyone has been so great, and the first words out of their mouths is usually "Wow! You'll make such a great teacher!" But the fear is still there. Is it legit or am I just being silly? I'm almost 30 for cripes sake! I should have had this all figured out a while ago.

The thought of going back to school is exciting. I love learning. Hopefully I can get all my testing and appointments completed before school starts. I really don't want to wait to start until January.

oldies but goodies