Monday, August 08, 2011

here we come a' caroling

I bet you're wondering why in the world I'm talking about Christmas in August?

Well I have some news. Some news I'm VERY excited about, but since I don't want to jinx it (or have to explain my failure later) I'm just gonna whet your appetite a little with a picture and leave it at that:

Now I'm pretty sure it won't start controversy like this one did, but I'm leaving you all with baited breath until next week--hopefully I will have some GREAT news to share...


Larissa said...

Umm...GRRRRR! And I was all excited to see what controversial post you had linked to and it was MINE. Lol. Too much.

And you are mean. The Christmas Carol auditions I know of aren't happening until September. So I am royally confused! I can't believe you are making me wait an entire week.

And you call yourself a friend.

miss kristen said...

bah ha ha ha ha!!

Enjoy your own medicine, ring posting, vacation leaver-er!

I'm pretty sure it will be anti-climactic for all of you, but I'm excited. :)

Larissa said...

Do I get to find out on Monday?!

Miss Megan said...

Remember how you haven't announced your big news yet? Please do so sooooooon!

Larissa said...

Any updates?!

miss kristen said...

No, and I'm dying!

oldies but goodies