Tuesday, March 20, 2012

that was close

Apparently I have reached the point in my blogging where I no longer remember what I have already written about.

Lucky for you as I was typing it all sounded familiar so I searched back and I HAD in fact written something similar last summer. Similar, but not the same.

Now the question is this-if I were to go ahead and post it anyway, would you think I've really lost it?

Do you even care?


Miss Megan said...

I care, and I say if it's on your mind then it's still relevant and you should post it. I am happy to read and support you!

Larissa said...

Do it! If I write something more than once, it always reflects my current state of mind, so even if it is "the same," it is "different." And it is important to you right now and we who love you want to know:-)

Most Happy Girl said...

Hey, I posted a recipe twice, a year apart, on my cooking blog. The second one had better pictures and clearer instructions, so I deleted the first one. But in the case of your thoughts, I'd keep them both.

oldies but goodies