Monday, May 02, 2011

day twenty-two

Write a letter to someone who’s hurt me? I’m not going to lie; I’ve been giving this day a lot of thought since I saw this little doo-dad. Since I’m not the kind to air grievances in a public forum I decided from day one that this letter would be to the person who hurts me the most: myself.

Dear Kristen:

You are a strong, loving, beautiful, talented, amazing woman, yet you are constantly selling yourself short. Whenever things don’t go the way you had hoped, worked towards, or  planned, you immediately blame yourself. Why do you do this? Why is it so impossible for you to think that no one but you could be at fault?

It hurts me so much to see you sell yourself short and accept the mediocre instead of the EXTRODINARY- although I do need to commend you on Mr. Wonderful-he is the best decision you’ve made in a long time.

I wish you would believe the nice things people tell you-because they wouldn’t say them if they weren’t true.

I wish you would let yourself believe in your happy ending. I know you’ve been hurt, but by expecting the worst all the time you are missing out on so much.

For hell's sake will you quit being so stubborn all the time and just let people HELP YOU? You don't need to always do it on your own, and asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Please let Mr. Wonderful help you. He loves you and hates to watch you struggle because you are too proud to ask. 

There is so much more I want to tell you, but in the effort to save time I won't. All I will say is you are stronger than you think you are, and you need to give yourself more credit. You have overcome so much and it has made you who you are now. You make your family and the people who love you proud. It’s ok to be proud of yourself too. You’re worth it.



1 comment:

Most Happy Girl said...

You are too hard on yourself (who isn't? well, maybe people suffering from narcissism...discussion for another day...). You are beautiful and wonderful. Believe that you deserve all the best that God has to offer. It's so true.

I love you!