Thursday, February 24, 2011

but you're sick

Nothing irritates me more than people who are sick and REFUSE to stay home. I'm not talking your functioning cold here-we're all guilty of going out with that. I'm talking the sick where you look, sound, emanate your awfulness it makes people uncomfortable simply by being in your presence.

Yeah, one of my co-workers was that way this week and they MAY (or may not-I HOPE!) have infected me. Best part is they didn't have a cold--oh no. It's the FLU. The effing FLU!! Who the HELL comes to work with the FLU!? Especially being in FOOD SERVICE!? OI.

Anyway I'm in that "maybe she is, maybe she isn't stage". You know what I'm talking about. The sore throat, itchy nose, tired and a LITTLE achy, but not so bad you can justify calling off work and spend the day in bed. It's almost as bad as the full blown-"yeah you're sick" stage. This is SO not an ideal time.

Naturally it happens the week I'm supposed to start tech rehearsals for La Mancha. OI. Sick or not I HATE backing out of commitments-especially now because I don't know if I'm really sick or just fighting it off. All day I have had the inner debate-but if I'm NOT sick I need to be there. But if I AM sick I need to not expose the entire cast and crew the week before we open. Luckily I have an AWESOME technical director and friend who is super understanding and all but banned me from the theatre until Saturday's tech rehearsal once I told him my dilemma.

Here's hoping a couple nights of R&R will be enough to stave off the consideration (or lack thereof) of my co-workers...can I just hurt them?

1 comment:

Emmalee said...

Yikes! I hope you're feeling better. Geoff's dorky boss came to work with shingles! SHINGLES! And wouldn't go home. I was so mad because Noah was only a baby at the time and hadn't had a chicken pox vaccine yet. People can be so clueless...