Wednesday, November 09, 2011

thankful: Sparky

Four and a half years ago I did a show. I'm still in awe about how much that one experience changed my life.
It was that experience that blessed me with one of the most important people in my life.

Last night we were talking about how we are both in a funk as of late and have no idea (or a good reason) as to why. I suggested we make lists of five things we are grateful for every day without repeating through November. It can be big or small, as long as we are grateful for it then. I then suggested we text them to each other to make us accountable for it. He agreed, and here we are.

Tis the season, and if you'll humor me, I am going to share my lists with you each day. Although this isn't the list I sent him today I find it fitting mine should start with the person who inspired the idea. My Sparky.

He's silly.

He supports me in everything I do.

He has the best picture face. No really, he does.

He's oh so strong!

He can make his legs dissappear!

 He survived an ENTIRE week of Disneyland with me.
Not only did he not kill me, but three years later still tells me that was the
best trip he's ever been on (and he's been around) and that we HAVE to do it again.

Yes, it's fun and silly, but in all seriousness I wouldn't trade my Sparky for anything in the world. He is my doppelganger (well, if I were a gay man anyway), a huge support to me, we can literally go MONTHS without talking and pick up right where we left off, we can get into the deep stuff conversations, he lets me tell him that he's being dumb without taking it personally (and vice versa), he knows me ALMOST as well as Mr. Wonderful and can read my moods at a glance, he will go see a cheesy community production of whatever with me without complaint, and quote random lines from Steel Magnolias with me. Above all he is my friend and such a huge blessing in my life. It may seem simple, but that's what our friendship is. Marvelously simple, which is exactly what each of us needs. I am so grateful I will always be his Foxy.

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