Wednesday, January 26, 2011

talk to me

Currently (re)reading
I prefer to take my lunches solo. It's not because I'm anti-social. It's because I LOVE to use my lunches to read. Usually I am left alone to fall peacefully into whatever story I'm reading. Lately I have found that I can no longer be left alone to read in peace. I always choose to sit out of everyone's way, yet people will ask to join me and then proceed to start a conversation with me. I try to be polite, but am I obligated to be nice when they were the ones who so rudely interrupted me? I mean, it's OBVIOUS what I'm doing and that they are interrupting that, but why do I always feel like such a tool when I start dropping signals-one word answers, grunts, opening my book mid-sentence, etc.-that I just want to be left alone to read?

What is it that draws people to someone who obviously has no desire to socialize?


Most Happy Girl said...

I get that with my husband and my dad. I'll be reading, and they'll start talking to me. At first, I'll answer nicely. After a while, I'll tell them (nicely), "I'm trying to read." Isn't it funny that both my husband and my dad have this tendency? I guess most girls really do marry someone just like their fathers.

Erin Macceo said...

I have this same problem. Here at work, but especially with my husband. The kicker though is that even after I nicely respond and then nicely tell him I'm reading, he gets al bent like I don't want to be around him because I'm reading. I don't bug him while he's playing video games, why can't he leave me along while I'm reading! lol

miss kristen said...

Yeah I would imagine it would be more difficult if Scott worked with me. Although I feel bad Erin. I've interrupted you at lunch a couple times! Ack. Hypocrisy at its finest right there. :)