Monday, August 05, 2013


I read this today (read: found it blog stalking) and thought it too beautiful and poignant not to share. (Plus it may or may or may not have been something I personally needed to hear.)

"Some are lost because they are different. They feel as though they don’t belong. Perhaps because they are different, they find themselves slipping away from the flock. They may look, act, think, and speak differently than those around them and that sometimes causes them to assume they don’t fit in. They conclude that they are not needed.

Tied to this misconception is the erroneous belief that all members of the Church should look, talk, and be alike. The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony. All of Heavenly Father’s children are different in some degree, yet each has his own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole.

This variety of creation itself is a testament of how the Lord values all His children. He does not esteem one flesh above another, but He “inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; . . . all are alike unto God.”

. . .Brothers and sisters, if only we had more compassion for those who are different from us, it would lighten many of the problems and sorrows in the world today. It would certainly make our families and the Church a more hallowed and heavenly place."

-Joseph B Wirthlin


Most Happy Girl said...

Love the quote and the picture. I'm not sure how or why the concept that everyone in the church should look and act alike came from. It wasn't taught to us by my parents, and I don't ever remember it being pushed (either outright or subtly) in the ward I grew up in. I know that there are many people who have trouble not judging or gossiping about people who are different, but I just look at them and remind them that the gospel is for the perfecting of the saints, and not for the already perfect saints (who don't exist anyway).

Aaron said...

That is a great quote, and one I think we all could stand to be reminded of more often. Thanks, Foxy!